Sunday, November 30, 2008

Mistake or No Mistake?

Okay this is going to be Legendary!! If that sounds a little familiar, then what I am going to say here will not anything new for you.
I have been thinking that I am going to make this mistake that I will regret for ever but will hurt emotionally more that anything and so I am scared to do it. I just realized that you don't know if its a mistake or an opportunity knocking at your door until you do it. If you don't do it you may regret that you never tried and never know if it was a mistake or not. Not only that also if you don't try it, it means that your chickening out of it, you just don't have what it takes. So, better try it and then figure out if it was a mistake or not.
Its just like Thomas Alva Edison's 1999 failed experiments. He didn't know that those 1999 attempts will fail until he tried them, but then at the end he succeeded. So he gives us 2 important lessons, one which we all know, don't give up until you succeed and the other that is not so apparent, you don't know what he result of an experiment is going to be until you do it. In other words, its Schrödinger's cat paradox.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Kid In Us

Why do I put down my foot and say that these are the things that I want and I'll not compromise on them? Why am I stubborn about certain things? Of course, I am flexible too. I would say I am one of the most flexible person among the people I know. But still there are some things that I’ll never compromise on, I just want those things, unless it’s a question of life and death ;).

I think we are all like this with certain things. We need some things and will not let it be otherwise. The reason I think is that deep inside we are all kids. If the kid in us says I want this thing and you can’t convince that kid otherwise then you just have to get that thing. You want it, bcoz you want it, that all, not more explanation.

I don’t think this is bad, I think in most cases it’s a healthy thing and we should acknowledge this and live with it, because many of the good things that happen to us, happens because of this kid in us. We need to nourish the kid and show him/her the right direction. Giving the kid proper direction can do wonders. Take my case I like photography. When I decided to buy a DSLR I was so eager to have one. I started dreaming about all the wonder photos I could take when I get the camera. I just couldn’t wait till I got it. I asked my cousin in Dubai to buy it for me during Christmas and drop it at my Sister’s office in Dubai. And my sister had arranged for someone in their office who was traveling from Dubai to Bangalore to get it. Actually my cousin said she will be coming down to India in a month, but I couldn’t wait that long. So I got the camera in just a week from when it was bought, but there was tripod that came along with it as a gift, which was misplace in the Dubai office and never made to Bangalore. But I’ll never regret that because that one month I took so many photos of my nieces nothing can be better than that. So in the end the kid in me really did win, he was the one who was impatient about getting the camera at the earliest.

Conclusion: Nourish and groom the kid in you and direct him/her the right way. If he/she misbehaves, its your fault that you didn’t give him/her the right direction.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

New Hope For The Mere Mortals

What the hell have I been thinking? Why am I so depressed and so serious? I am suppose to be the legendary person the everyone around me looks up to and I can't afford to be the like this. I am the extraordinary Nitin, the greatest, the intellectual descendant of Newton and Einstein. I am suppose to be the van-god of meta and theoretical physics. I can't waste my time being emotional about insignificant things that mere mortals strive for. Look at my IQ:

IQ Score - IQ Score

Do you know what that means? Here have a look:

I know I love to show off. I am intellectually superior being than millions out there. I shouldn't feel low. People should be honored just by my presence around them. I am sure all my friends at work and elsewhere will feel great to have me as their friend. You are welcome guys. I know I am very intelligent for you guys but then I am nice guy to hang around with mere mortal like you and I am happy that I make you feel happy by being your friend. I love you guys :).

I will no more indulge myself in these mediocre thoughts and will concentrate all my energy into theoretical physics, applied mathematics and programming (to feed myself, till the day I win the noble prize!). So my dear friends, don't give up on me. I am wounded for now, but wait until I recover and then you'll see the full wrath of Nitin's knowledge on the scientific community.

This is also a message to Steven Hawkins, be prepared, the so called greatest mind since Einstein. You are going to be crushed. So get ready, you bit**. Get all your force fields ready for you are going to be bombarded with high energy particles at speeds beyond that of light.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Book of Peace And The Sea Monsters

The day began with such promise. And now look. My sea monster is dead, and I still don't have the Book of Peace. All because of you, Sinbad.

The words of the Goddess of Chaos, Eris, when she meets Sinbad, in the movie “Sinbad : The Legend of Seven Seas”. This seems so true in most of our lives. We start as kids with so much energy and lots of dreams. As we grow older many of these dreams just fade away and the energy levels fall, the death of the sea monster.

If we do a introspection as to why did the dreams not come true we'll see that its because we changed our priorities. What we thought was important and could do anything for, is not feasible anymore, either because we don't want to lose what we have in hand or because we thing there are better things. This is when we feel that its not worth pursuing that dream and that we have to move on. Moving on can be easy in some cases but may be tougher than we thing in some others. For example, I always thought that I'll be a scientist someday and will do great things. My field of research will be Applied Chemistry or Theoretical/Quantum Physics. The dream of Applied Chemistry Research has almost annihilated, but I am not ready to give up on Theoretical Physics. I still dream that someday when I retire from Software Industry I'll pursue masters and doctorate courses in Physics/Applied Mathematics and at least attempt research.

I am not sure if this will be possible but I intend to keep this dream alive and think that this is definitely possible. But we never know what the future holds for us. The main question here is “Is a dream worth pursuing?”. I am a very practical person and I mostly start working on or pursuing a dream only if I think it has a possibility of becoming true. So why do I think this dream can come true, is because of my love for math and quantum physics. Though my knowledge of both is very limited at this point.

One thing that I have learnt in my pursuit is that Life isn't a STATE MACHINE. There are no definite states in life and there is specific set of inputs that will guaranty any results. There is always just a probability, not certainty. You just have to assess the risk and try your hand. There is nothing like “hard-work pays”. Its might be true sometimes, but not always. Especially, if your hard work is assessed by some other person. Which is the case most of the time in real life.

I just hope that I'll have my Book of Peace someday and that I don't have to blame Sinbad for getting in my way. Also I hope I don't have to loose many sea monsters during my pursuit.