Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Realization & Incompleteness

My Interpretation

From (lighter exterior, darker interior, bigger in size, darker environment) to (darker exterior, brighter interior, not big in size, brighter environment)

The Window - Brighter Outside

My Interpretation

 Dark inside and brighter and beautiful outside.

Unbalanced Clock

 My Interpretation

Time is one of those crucial concepts that we relay on and expect it to be absolute, by unbalancing it I am trying to depict the unbalancedness of everything around us.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Copenhagen Climate Change Summit

All of us read the 100s of articles, have watch programs after programs on global warming and knew what climate change meant to our environment and to the future of our planet. We wanted to unit to agree upon some action items to control the warming at Copenhagen. Now, after the summit, we have all read the news. What have we learned from this? That after almost 7000 years of civilized living (the first civilizations started emerging between 4000 and 3000 BC), we have failed to unit and agree upon something so critical that it could lead us right to our own end. After this long a time as a civilization all we have is fear in our heart for one-another. We speak of unity, peace, freedom, love, truth etc as if we understand all of those and have a great idea as to how important they are to all of us and that we strive to be a race with all of that. But, for once when we get a chance to show that we, the most intelligent species on the face of the planet, can act as one, can unit and come to a consensus, we fail! We just can’t seem to trust one another. We have grown into a hate filled and non-trusting civilization.

We can agree and unit as smaller groups but when we all need to unit, we are not sure.  I think, we have been living in an environment that so strongly believes in diving us and making us feel different from the rest of us, that we are hesitate to unit. We unit to fight as smaller like minded groups, sometimes with no regard to borders or barriers created by countries, religions, communities etc. But when it comes to uniting as a race, the entire human race, we still need time, we are too deep into that state of mind that, tells us “I first need to see how everything that I agree to do, affects me and everything that I hold dear before I can see how it affect my environment as a whole”. It’s a paradigm shift for our thought process. I do believe we’ll get to the state of mind where we unit and work together for greater good, I just hope it’s not too late by the time we get there.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Thermoelectric Effect

Trying to play around with fire and stuff, I thought I should make a video and upload it for my friends to see and have some fun ;). Its suppose to be a fun video, but please bear with me, it will take me a little time to get better at it :).