Everyone does say these words at some point or another "I hate life" or "I hate this world". If you haven't felt that way till date then you'll soon feel it. If you never ever say this in your life then either you have a very bad memory or you have really cracked the secret to living a happy worry free life and you should share the secret with the rest of us.
When I talk about hating life or this world, I don't mean hate the way the word "hate" is used in the context of "I hate waiting" or "I hate shopping" etc. Its more or a deeper feeling, a feeling that doesn't go away in an hour or two or even a week or two. Its a feeling that is there constantly and you try to fight it at first and then avoid it as you have no other option. Life always finds a way to surprise you and disappoint you. If you have felt at the early stages of your life then you should consider yourself lucky. Else hope you can deal with it well and overcome it soon or rather good luck with that :).
Its just as the one of the Buddhist teaching (may be there in many other teaching as well): Everything that you thing is reliable or is the stable ground is not real, it'll break or disappear soon. Don't trust anything to be true. Only the statement that "there is nothing true in this world" is true, just the the statement that "change is the only constant". So, always be prepared to fall down as one of your most valued belief falls apart, but be sure to get up on to your feet and walk again. Don't ever stop moving forward. Life is all about this movement, nothing more or nothing less.