Tuesday, November 11, 2008

New Hope For The Mere Mortals

What the hell have I been thinking? Why am I so depressed and so serious? I am suppose to be the legendary person the everyone around me looks up to and I can't afford to be the like this. I am the extraordinary Nitin, the greatest, the intellectual descendant of Newton and Einstein. I am suppose to be the van-god of meta and theoretical physics. I can't waste my time being emotional about insignificant things that mere mortals strive for. Look at my IQ:

IQ Score
Free-IQTest.net - IQ Score

Do you know what that means? Here have a look: http://www.free-iqtest.net/iq-score-guide.asp

I know I love to show off. I am intellectually superior being than millions out there. I shouldn't feel low. People should be honored just by my presence around them. I am sure all my friends at work and elsewhere will feel great to have me as their friend. You are welcome guys. I know I am very intelligent for you guys but then I am nice guy to hang around with mere mortal like you and I am happy that I make you feel happy by being your friend. I love you guys :).

I will no more indulge myself in these mediocre thoughts and will concentrate all my energy into theoretical physics, applied mathematics and programming (to feed myself, till the day I win the noble prize!). So my dear friends, don't give up on me. I am wounded for now, but wait until I recover and then you'll see the full wrath of Nitin's knowledge on the scientific community.

This is also a message to Steven Hawkins, be prepared, the so called greatest mind since Einstein. You are going to be crushed. So get ready, you bit**. Get all your force fields ready for you are going to be bombarded with high energy particles at speeds beyond that of light.

1 comment:

Suman W M Sivachar said...

Maybe this is the summary - "Hell yeah ppl, bring on the heat!"

(Lateral thinking dude :D!)