Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Problem Is Choice!

Life is full of choices. Some are small, some are trivial, some matter and others are really big and can change your life as you know it. Making a decision when you are confused is very difficult. Much more difficult than making the choice is sticking to it. And making things work even though the choice you made is not leading you in the direction that you desire. Most of the time its this phase the takes the most from you, it tests you to the core. All you need to do at this point is stay calm and focused and do what you think is right . There is one mistake that we always makes, its having an expectation out of each of the small things that we do. And each time we don't get the expected result we get a little frustrated. Each one of us has a limit as to how much frustration we can handle, once that limit is crossed we snap. So the key here is not to have any expectation. The great Bhaghavath Gita's sloka:

"Karmanye Wa Dhikaraste, Ma Fallesu Kadhachena"

But, its next to impossible, though its easily said in words. It even sounds great as a sloka too, but I know, coz I too am trying really really hard to do that same and believe me when I say I am totally frustrated.

All though I say all this I know whatever be the outcome of these choices that you make the end result will be sweet. Though at times it may not be more than just a lesson, but that lesson will be very important one. You may or may not realize it at that point, but every lesson you learn definitely made you a better person. You will realize that at some later point.

This one school of thought, but there is another. Is the juice worth the squeeze? What if the fruit you are squeezing in not ripe yet? The juice will be sour and may not be worth the squeeze. And the lesson that you learn from this may not be useful at all. So again its a choice of how you look at it. If you take it in a positive way, like I mostly do, you'll see that you probably learnt which are the fruits that are not ripe and the next time you'll choose the ripe fruit :). But for this you definitely need to go through the pain of squeezing the fruit and the drinking the juice to see if it was worth the squeeze. So you need to hang in there until the juice is out and until you get to taste it.

Remember irrespective of what the outcome is, you need to understand that you deserve the best tasting fruit out there and never feel that you don't deserve a fruit or even make anyone feel that way about you. And when you are a little depressed, take a break, do something that makes you feel better, recharge your self and then jump right back into the game. Success will be yours. Because the best results/returns are from the choices that are really difficult and the ones that get the best out of you. You may even discover some of the hidden qualities in you that you yourself weren't aware of.

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